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E-resources available on the territory of the library
MPs and their staff may access the databases listed below via the computers located in the Information Centre for Deputies.
Our fee-paying public patrons – including researchers and university students – are also free to use these databases on the territory of the library. (Excluding Új Jogtár®, which may also be used with free library membership).
Cambridge University Press is one of oldest publishing companies in the world offering 330 peer-reviewed university journals at present. Most of CUP journals are of fundamental importance in many disciplines and fields of study including humanities, social and natural sciences. Publications related to applied sciences, environmental studies, agriculture, neurological sciences, medical biology, history, linguistics, political science and international relations are particularly acknowledged by professional communities. All journals published and co-published by Cambridge University Press can be accessed via Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) that contains 1.144.200 articles at the moment that amount to 6 million pages. CJO users download more than 1,9 million articles per month.
A collection of periodicals from various disciplines. Thousands of mostly social sciences periodicals, dailies and weeklies from North America and Europe. (In most cases the full text of the articles.) Articles in German, French and Hungarian are regularly being added.
Designed for academic institutions, EBSCO’s multidisciplinary database is a leading resource for scholarly research. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by offering access to more than 7300 peer-reviewed full-text journals as well as indexed abstracts of 12500 other content including magazines, periodicals, reports, books and more. With English still dominant, the collection contains a large number of German, French, Spanish, Italian and even Hungarian language documents, typically in the field of political science, communication, cultural studies and sociology.
Academic Search Complete
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
Historical Abstracts
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Gale Research Complete (formerly Gale Reference Complete) provides subscription access to the largest package of primary and secondary sources available to libraries today. Empowering users at all academic levels, from the undergraduate student to the experienced researcher, and covering nearly every research area and discipline, Gale Research Complete includes Academic OneFile, General OneFile, Gale Literature and Gale Business Insights databases, 1700 e-books and Archives Unbound Collection offering access to a wealth of primary sources in various academic fields. Gale Research Complete comprises 28 000 periodical titles, millions of articles, 1.5 million literary entries and 13 million pages of primary sources.
A retrospective, full-text database of law journals.
This database includes over seventy million pages of legal history and over 1500 law-related periodicals in English. It carries the full text of US congressional reports, the documents of famous lawsuits as from the early 18th century, legal literature from Aristotle to the 20th century, documents of the United Nations, all the international agreements that the USA has signed, the documents of Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as from 1938.
The Law Collection of Oxford University Press Journals contains 56 full-text, high impact factor legal journals dating back to 1996. They include such well-known and prestigious periodicals as Current Legal Problems, Journal of Environmental Law, British Journal of Criminology and Human Rights Law Review. The volumes of the subscribed journals covering all the major research areas of international law are available for download via the gateway to Oxford online academic resources for our fee-paying patrons. Meanwhile the number of Open Access titles such as the Journal of Cybersecurity and the Journal of Law and the Biosciences is also steadily increasing.
The multidisciplinary database system brings together 12,000 full-text journals within 47 databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medicine, language and literature, social sciences, education, science and technology, while also provides access to studies, doctoral theses, videos, as well as thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.
A unified database of thirty national collections of biographies, it covers over six million persons. The profiles cover time from the 8th century BC to the present day. It carries some 8.5 million digital articles in biographical collections. You can search it in six languages. consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and makes it available on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish.
The Statista database can only be accessed from the Library of Parliament by entering an institutional username and password.
Akadémiai Kiadó’s Hungarian Electronic Reference Works Service provides full-text access to more than 850 – mostly Hungarian-language – reference works, higher education textbooks and all the volumes of Magyar Tudomány (Hungarian Science) since 2017. 100-200 new titles are added to the selection each year. Full-text search, note-taking possibilities and reference management are all built-in features of the interface.
Unabridged bilingual dictionaries in six languages as published by the Hungarian publishing company, Akadémiai Kiadó; monolingual dictionaries, encyclopedias and a dictionary of the terms used by institutions of the European Union are also included.
In the past 30 years Argumentum Publishing Company has released cca. 900 volumes in the fields of literary history and criticism, history, education theory, linguistics, sociology, musicology, book history, art theory, history of theatre, psychology, ethnography, archaeology and architecture. It also publishes volumes in collaboration with ELTE, MTA institutes, museums, Széchényi Library and other libraries, archives, Institute and Museum of Military History as well as various science think tanks.
Gondolat Publishing House has been present in the Hungarian publishing industry for more than half a century, and is still one of the leading players in the Hungarian book market. The publisher publishes an average of 80 publications a year, the majority of which are in the social sciences and in the field of European and Hungarian fiction. The database provides access to nearly 800 volumes.
The vast majority of content provided in the database was created in cooperation with L’Harmattan’s long term academic, higher-education, professional and cilvil partner institutions. The high-profile academic volumes of the L’Harmattan portfolio are well completed by a range of literary works. In the publisher’s digital collection, regular patrons of subscribing institutions may get access to almost 1500 titles, around 10.000 chapters and 390.000 pages of digitized content equipped with full-text search.
Kalligram, as a regional and minority publisher, is the most important representative of Hungarian literature in the Southern part of Slovakia (Upper Hungary) and the main mediator of the idea of Central European cultures and literatures. It maintains several social science series, all of which can be found in its database of more than 900 books.
Their biographies of politicians, award-winning educational series, sourcebooks, major monographs and handbooks provide a wide range of up-to-date and essential knowledge, especially for readers interested in the social sciences. Their books include a large number of core textbooks and textbooks used in higher education. Their database contains more than 400 volumes.
In recent years, Osiris Publishing Company has become one of the major and most prestigious academic and literary publishers in Hungary within the disciplines of humanities and social sciences. Since its establishment in 1994 it has also served as an intellectual centre for widely respected researchers and authors of various fields of study. The publisher’s academic volumes, university textbooks and high-quality general knowledge works are intended to the Hungarian intelligentsia, university students as well as educated, open-minded audiences. On average, the company publishes 200 titles annually, the majority of which are written in Hungarian and a smaller number consists of translations. The digital collection at present offers full-text access to 1750 volumes published by Osiris.
Its profile focuses primarily on the publication of writings by domestic authors that are of broad interest to the domestic public in the fields of history, political science, sociology and philosophy.
The collection provides access to books published by the Publishing Company of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Akadémiai Kiadó) between 1950 and 1996 (sporadically some volumes published after this period are also available). The cca. 2.5 million pages of the 8000 digitized volumes available in the collection offer a wealth of multidisciplinary knowledge to be researched in a wide range of academic fields.
A continously growing full-text digital collection that can be searched by authors and titles of articles in periodicals and entries in encyclopedias and yearbooks. Results can be refined by date and subject areas. More than 8 million pages are available including the following renowned periodicals: Budapesti Szemle (1857-1940), Fővárosi Közlöny (1890-2005), Hadtörténelmi Közlemények (1888-2009), Népszava (1873-2014), Vasárnapi Újság (1854-1921), Magyarország tiszti cím- és névtára (1873-1944).
Hungary’s oldest and largest legal information system, the new online platform of Complex, which provides readers with five simultaneous usage options both at the library’s computer workstations and on the users’ own IT devices. The new Jogtár legal database allows readers to access legal content on a modern, user-friendly online interface, where numerous state-of-the-art search functions facilitate rapid access to various legal materials.
This database facilitates access to the subscription journals of the ORAC Publishing House simultaneously with the publication of its printed issues and together with its archives. Readers are provided with two usage options simultaneously: on the library’s computer workstations and on their own IT devices, but only from the IP range of the library network.
NAVA regularly, as part of its normal operation, collects and stores programmes broadcast by Hungarian broadcasters, providing them with metadata and making them available to the public for educational and research purposes. A legal requirement incumbent upon NAVA is to operate the archive of legal deposits submitted by Hungarian national broadcasters. NAVA also preserves additional audiovisual materials, including one hundred Hungarian feature films, and makes them accessible in its Special Collections.
* Electronic Information Service (EIS):): it makes online databases – mainly those of foreign broadcasters – available, using funds from the EIS Core Programme and the Social Renewal Operational Programme (TÁMOP) as well as from the individual member contributions of various institutions (see also COMPASS).↩
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