Our Ask a librarian! service allows you to turn to our reference librarians – specialised in various disciplines and knowledgeable about the collection – for help in finding the resources relevant to your research.
This service is free of charge but only available to registered members. You can only send a question if you are logged in to your account.
Our specialists will contact you as soon after the submission of your question as possible, but after two working days at the latest. Your question will be answered as soon as possible, but the reply depends on the complexity of your query.
Our reference librarians welcome questions in the following subjects and disciplines within the library’s collecting scope:
- law,
- political science,
- Hungarian history and modern world history,
- Hungarian parliamentary documents,
- foreign parliamentary documents,
- UN,
- international organisations,
- and The European Union.
We can help you…
- to find scientific resources relevant to a given subject and question (printed and electronic),
- to explore databases and digital collections,
- and get help on how to use them,
- to use the catalogue and make your search effective,
- to solve referencing issues,
- to make a selected list of recommended literature (a maximum of ten items).
However, we do not…
- carry out complete literature research, nor compile extensive bibliographies.
Feel free to contact our reference librarians with questions that require expertise in library science.
Note, however, that these consultations will not substitute instructions you receive from your thesis supervisor and do not include practical professional advice (for example legal advice, interpretation of statutes).