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Scientific resources

Law books

Law books in Hungarian

Magyar Jogi Portál - Jogtudósok művei
Law monographs and seminal works in the branches of law; mainly systematising works, commentaries and course books from the holdings of the Library of the Hungarian Parliament.

Hungarian law books in the Arcanum Digital Scientific Database.
Note: subscribed database

Digitalia - digital collection of the University of Pécs (PTE) Library and Knowledge Centre. Almost 800 works on the social sciences, including numerous law books, primarily published by PTE’s publisher.

University of Szeged (SZTE) Publications. Database of scientific works linked to the University of Szeged. Includes law publications, articles and studies.


Law periodicals

Digital collection of the over 40 Hungarian historical law journals in the holdings of the Library of the Hungarian Parliament

Hungarian law journals in the Arcanum Digital Scientific Database
Note: subscribed database

REAL-J – repository of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. . Collection of digitalised and digital periodicals. Includes legal content.


Online Hungarian law journals (freely accessible)


Open Access scientific resources on law (outside Hungary)

Directory of Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Books

Directory of Open Access Repository

Digital Commons repositories of legal institutions and faculties of law.

Digital collection of the Yale Law School faculty of Yale University.


Law databases

The Catalogue of the Library of the Hungarian Parliament contains Hungarian and foreign law monographs as well as the bibliographical data of specialised literature on law (books, articles and studies) published in Hungary in Hungarian and foreign languages all the way from 1811. A link takes readers to the full texts of the freely accessible online resources and the content digitalised by the library.

Also accessible here are the bibliographical data of selected articles from over 300 foreign law journals and almanacs from the mid-1970s to 2010.

Subscription law databases in the Library of the Hungarian Parliament