Second Half of 2023


Second Half of 2023



30 June - 1 July 2023, León

Global Conference on Strenghtening parliaments to enchane democracy

The National Assembly was represented by Ms. Dr. Márta Mátrai, Deputy of the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly.

Webpage of the event

19 July 2023, Brussels

Interparliamentary Committee Meeting of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Foreign Affairs

Webpage of the event
17-18 September 2023, Madrid

COSAC Chairperson’s meeting

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event
1-2 October 2023, Madrid

Interparliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and for the Common Security and Defence Policy

The following committees were represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement, Committee on Foreign Affairs

Webpage of the event

24-25 October 2023, Brussels

Inter Parliamentary Conference of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on the Budget

Webpage of the event

25 October 2023, Brussels

Interparliamentary Committee Meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event

26-27 October 2023, Madrid

Interparliamentary conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance (SECG) in the EU

The following committees were represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs, Committee on the Budget, Commitee on Economics

Webpage of the event

7 November 2023, Brussels

Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on the Evaluation of Eurojust Activities

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Justice

Webpage of the event

7 November 2023, Brussels

Inter Parliamentary Committee Meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development (REGI)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Economics

Webpage of the event

26-28 November 2023, Madrid

LXX COSAC plenary conference

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Wepbage of the event

27-28 November 2023, Brussels

Interparliamentary committee meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs

Webpage of the event

29 November 2023, Brussels

Interparliamentary Committee Meeting of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Foreign Affairs

Webpage of the event

4 December 2023, Brussels

Interparliamentary Committee Meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL)

The following committee was represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on Social Welfare

Webpage of the event

4 December 2023, Brussels

Interparliamentary Committee Meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE)

The following committees were represented on behalf of the National Assembly: Committee on European Affairs, Committee on Justice

Webpage of the event



          First Half of 2023
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Second Half of 2017

First Half of 2017

Second Half of 2016

First Half of 2016

Second Half of 2015

First Half of 2015

Second Half of 2014

First Half of 2014