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Az évente négyszer, így immár 111. alkalommal odaítélt Magyar Örökség díjra annak létrehozói a világ magyarságának szellemi becsületrendjeként tekintenek. A Magyar Örökség és Európa Egyesület 1995 óta a kitüntetett intézményeken és magánszemélyeken keresztül a magyarság erkölcsi és szellemi teljesítményét ismeri el, többek között azzal a céllal, hogy erősítse a nemzeti összetartozás érzését. Idén az Országgyűlési Könyvtár is részesült az elismerésben, melyet a Bírálóbizottság állampolgári javaslat alapján ítélt az intézménynek.
Dear Visitors,
Please note that the following opening hours will apply at the library in the holiday season:
- On 21 December 2024 we are open between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. as usual,
- From 23 December 2024 until 1 January 2025 the library will stay closed,
- Regular opening hours will resume from 2 January 2025.
Dear Visitors,
Please note that the following opening hours will apply at the library in the holiday season:
- On 22 December 2023 we are open until 20:00 as usual, however due to the earlier closing of the till, services involving payment are offered only until 12:00,
- From 23 December 2023 until 1 January 2024 the library will stay closed,
- Regular opening hours will resume from 2 January 2024.
We wish you all the best in your holiday preparations!
Dear Visitors,
Please note that the following opening hours will apply at the library in the holiday season:
- On 22 December 2023 we are open until 20:00 as usual, however due to the earlier closing of the till, services involving payment are offered only until 12:00,
- From 23 December 2023 until 1 January 2024 the library will stay closed,
- Regular opening hours will resume from 2 January 2024.
We wish you all the best in your holiday preparations!
Dear Visitors,
Please note that on Wednesday, 1 November 2023, the library will stay closed.
Dear Visitors,
Please note that on Monday, 23 October 2023, the library will stay closed due to the national holiday.
We wish you a pleasant long weekend!
Dear Visitors,
We kindly inform you that on Friday, 13 October 2023 the library closes at 13:00 due to technical reasons. On 14 October, however, our regular Saturday opening hours (10:00-18:00) will apply.
Thank you for your understanding.